GLObal denomination
RCnaz is part of the Nazarene denomination, a global community of faith commissioned to take the Good News of life in Jesus Christ to people everywhere and to spread the message of scriptural holiness across the lands.
church to church partnership
RCnaz formed a long-term partnership facilitated by World Orphans in July 2015 with a church in Guatemala City, Jesucristo Rey. Since then, God has blessed our partnership of prayer, financial support and personal visits, and has provided Jesucristo Rey with a growing congregation and strong servant-minded leaders.

olivet nazarene university
RCnaz encourages our young people seeking higher education to consider attending our regional university, Olivet Nazarene University, where they receive an "education with a Christian purpose."

northern michigan district
RCnaz is one of a group of 32 Nazarene churches that are part of the Northern Michigan District spread out over the northern half of the mitten state and throughout the upper peninsula of Michigan.