Furthering the kingdom of god across the globe
One of the dreams listed in RCnaz’s “Vision 2020” is to form a long-term partnership with another church outside of the U.S.A. This came to fruition in July 2015 when RCnaz partnered with Jesucristo Rey in Guatemala City with the help of World Orphans. Over the years, several individuals have both partnered with and traveled to our Sister Church in Guatemala City where Pastor Eli & Nancy Bello are serving their community and the deep needs there including violence, discrimination and poverty. It has been pure joy to watch as God has blessed our partnership and provided Jesucristo Rey with a growing congregation and strong servant-minded leaders.
The relationship we have includes three major commitments - Prayer, Financial Support & Personal Visits. Each year we re-invite those within our congregation to partner with us in one or more of those commitments.
Prayer – Join us as we remember Pastor Eli & Nancy Bello; the spiritual health of Jesucristo Rey, physical protection, adequate finances, and of course, new individuals placing their trust in Jesus Christ.
Financial Support – RCnaz provides $750/month to bolster the Home Visitation ministry at Jesucristo Rey. These dollars do not come from our regular church budget but solely from the generosity of individuals/families here in Reed City. Please consider becoming one of our 30 annual partners who give $300.
Personal Visits – Travel with a team from RCnaz on a future trip to Guatemala City.
The relationship we have includes three major commitments - Prayer, Financial Support & Personal Visits. Each year we re-invite those within our congregation to partner with us in one or more of those commitments.
Prayer – Join us as we remember Pastor Eli & Nancy Bello; the spiritual health of Jesucristo Rey, physical protection, adequate finances, and of course, new individuals placing their trust in Jesus Christ.
Financial Support – RCnaz provides $750/month to bolster the Home Visitation ministry at Jesucristo Rey. These dollars do not come from our regular church budget but solely from the generosity of individuals/families here in Reed City. Please consider becoming one of our 30 annual partners who give $300.
Personal Visits – Travel with a team from RCnaz on a future trip to Guatemala City.

Pray for our Sister Church and please prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner.
Express your commitment to Financial Partnership (follow link).
Give today: Give on-line (choose Guatemala Partnership Fund) or write a check with Guatemala Partnership in the memo field and place in a tithes box or mail to RCnaz at 5300 220th Ave, Reed City MI 49677.
Pray for our Sister Church and please prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner.
Express your commitment to Financial Partnership (follow link).
Give today: Give on-line (choose Guatemala Partnership Fund) or write a check with Guatemala Partnership in the memo field and place in a tithes box or mail to RCnaz at 5300 220th Ave, Reed City MI 49677.